Saturday, January 3, 2015

A month without social networks (almost) - usefull time redistribution

I'm the guy, who can easily jump in a challenge, especially if it is something useful for my body or mind. My friens say that it is easy to make me to jump there, but I strongly believe that each of my challenges is my personal decision.

So, as it usually happens, few factors overlaped and resulted in something new for me: short term assignment in US, good Wi-Fi connection 24/24 and FB and Google+, which didn't manage to generate enough interesting content.

Once, when I was going to sleep, I realized that I'm in bad mood because during the last 30 min I checked my FB 10 times, and there where nothing new... Not the best reason for the bed mood, don't you think?

Than somebody shared with me this video:

Later I remembered about this Ted talk:

Puzzle compleeted! What if I'll try to minimyze what makes me feel bad? Full А что если попробовать исключить то, что портит настроение! A complete rejection of social networks seemed to be redundant extreme, dimply because somebody of my friends could write me something important, thus I decided to associate it with holly-days. No more social networks in weekdays!

Breaking was short. First few days I was filling this time gap with trailers from youtube (same unnecessary stuff), but then it got better :). Finally I found some time for reading, translated few of my articles and did another usefull things, I would have to do an how, unlike checking for FB updates!

Sure some of you manages to read and finish all you tasks together with reading Google+ feed, but it is you, not me :).

Generally speaking, I liked idea of "30 days without..." experiments. I'm thinking about "30 days without sweets" and "30 days without bread". It seems to be easy, but who knows :).

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