Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The 4-Hour Workweek - Tim Ferrys

Once I asked myself, when was the last time I took a non IT book in my hands and read it? I remembered some years from the past, and not even University times - school years! It was a shame. I felt poor man with low IQ. I had to fix it ASAP.

As I usually do, I did a short research in Internet and found a list of recommended books. One of them was "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferrys. It's name was too catchy to leave it for later. As I don't have neither time to read in front of a fireplace, nor fireplace itself, I decided to listen it's audio version.

It was so damn interesting, that I did it twice quicker than planned to do. I was using each chance to listen 5 more minutes.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Running on the ice

Have you ever had the chance to run on the ice? Do not considering puddles. Today was my first time!

It is believed that running on the ice is true check of your running technice efficiency. Sprinters may not be interested in it, cause they need speed, but stiers might want to try at least once.

The main reason why you being a stier should try it is that this type of running exagerates all your mistakes, gaps and weaks. If you need an experienced coach to tell you about your running mistakes on the road, because on your own you don't feel them, on the ice you'll be able to feel each and every... but you still need a coach to tell you how to fix that :).

Before you've decided to try this semi-extrimal activity, make sure you have all you need - gypsum and analgesic winter running shoes with spikes!

Monday, January 5, 2015

50 pull-ups at once (Season 2) - Breaking plato

First season ended up with fail, or Plato.

Note: Plato - is a period of time during your training, when results do not increase, may even decrease a bit, while you are training with the same intensity.

Thus second season I started with thought - I have to break the Plato. Both of them - physical and psychological. Because I simply couldn't believe that I can do more than 30 pull-ups. It was enough to remember feelings after 15 pull-ups to understand that no way!

I've collected recommendations from Internet and my friends, and here are possible solutions:

Saturday, January 3, 2015

A month without social networks (almost) - usefull time redistribution

I'm the guy, who can easily jump in a challenge, especially if it is something useful for my body or mind. My friens say that it is easy to make me to jump there, but I strongly believe that each of my challenges is my personal decision.

So, as it usually happens, few factors overlaped and resulted in something new for me: short term assignment in US, good Wi-Fi connection 24/24 and FB and Google+, which didn't manage to generate enough interesting content.

Once, when I was going to sleep, I realized that I'm in bad mood because during the last 30 min I checked my FB 10 times, and there where nothing new... Not the best reason for the bed mood, don't you think?